Hilaire Mba

Hilaire Mba (2022)

The Master’s Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter (PhyQS), formerly known as Condensed Matter and Nanophysics (MCN), was the opportunity that changed everything for me.

Selected from my home country of Cameroon via Campus France in 2021, I joined this high quality programme whose courses are taught in English. The programme covers a broad spectrum, from advanced quantum mechanics, non-equilibrium statistical physics and light-matter interaction to mole matter and a number of optional courses enabling you to consolidate what you’ve learned and move into the field you want.

The course features a network of excellent teachers and researchers and state-of-the-art facilities. It also includes a theoretical semester and a practical semester, which is an academic internship. Each student receives effective support, whether it’s for integration, finding an academic internship or choosing a career field through mentoring. And thanks to all these arrangements, I was able to find my Master’s internship at the Institut de Physique Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), where I am currently doing a PhD thesis in Ultrafast Electron Microscopy of Nanomaterials.

I would recommend the PhySQ Master’s programme with a favourable opinion because of its consistency, its relevance, the effective follow-up of students and its wide range of career opportunities.

