Welcome to PhyQS

The specialty Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter (PhyQS) is one of the six specialties offered in the second year (M2) of the Master of Physics at the University of Strasbourg. The first year (M1) of the Master of Physics is common to all specialties. The possibility of preparing the “aggregation de physique” is also offered to students.

The PhyQS Master aims to provide physicists with a broad fundamental training in condensed matter physics, suitable for both experimental and theoretical research. The first semester of the PhyQS track includes a core advanced courses on quantum mechanics applied to condensed matter physics, statistical physics and radiation-matter interaction. In parallel, students can, through their choice of elective courses, orient their training either towards quantum sciences and nanomaterials (electronic, optical, magnetic, spintronic properties of low-dimensional, mesoscopic or open quantum systems…), or towards the physics of soft matter and complex systems (surfaces and interfaces, complex fluids, colloids,  active matter…). A project focusing of modern topics in condensed matter physics is proposed during the first semester. This project can be experimental, numerical or both. The second semester consists in a research internship of at least four months.


The scientific mediation medal of CNRS awarded to PhyQS’s teacher Wiebke Drenckhan (see here lecture here) !

read more here
(picture of the ceremony below, photo credits: Nicolas Busser, CNRS)

Soft Matter Meeting 2024

After Strasoft2021 and  Strasoft2022, this year the ICS and ILM labs organize a meeting to stimulate discussions between different groups and laboratories working in the broad field of Complex Matter and Interfaces. This event is open for the Master of Physics students…See here


L3 student

You are a L3 student (or equivalent), you can apply at the M1 Level, a common first year for all specialities (see here).

M1 student

You are a M1 student, you can apply directly to the M2 Condensed Matter and Nanophysics.