Florian Maurer

Florian Maurer (graduated in 2023, PhD IPCMS)

Do not hesitate!

That’s the advise I would give to students that are willing to join de the PhyQS master.

After having already been thrilled by the notions I had studied previously in statistical physics, quantum mechanics and solid state physics, it was obvious for me to choose the PhyQs Master. The lectures given in this master program gave me the opportunity to particularly reinforce my knowledge in condensed matter physics. The large scope covered by elective lectures allows to tackle modern physics challenges but also to acquire a broad knowledge in physics to become an accomplished physicist.

Therefore, in addition to advanced out-of-equilibrium statistical physics and advanced quantum mechanics lectures, I could for example follow a lecture on interaction in soft matter so satisfy my curiosity and broaden my knowledge. I could also attend different seminars given at IPCMS, the laboratory where lectures are given, allowing me to discover even more different research topics thanks to the immediate proximity of the research world.

The PhyQS Master also gave me the tools in light-matter interaction and many-body quantum physics, to start a theoretical PhD, both at IPCMS and CESQ-ISIS, supervised by Guillaume Weick and David Hagenmuller.

Eventually, what I keep from my experience at PhyQS, is a wonderful spirit among the students, allowing to work together with students coming from all over the world, making my experience very stimulating!