
Pr Mounir Maaloum (ICS)

The aim of the course is to discuss the physical properties of cell components and to present certain physics problems posed by cellular processes either at the molecular scale (DNA, molecular motors) or at the cell scale ( organization of the cytoskeleton). Theoretical concepts and experimental techniques are presented to study these systems at different scales. This course is for students who are interested in both questions asked in biology and physics of complex systems (statistical physics, soft matter). No prior knowledge of biology is required for this course.

DisciplineSpecific Skills:
  • know the basics of statistical physics (equilibrium and out of equilibrium systems);
  • have a thorough knowledge of a specialized field in physics or one of its applications;
  • analyze, model and resolve physics problems;
  • know one or more disciplines bordering on physics;
  • adopt a pluridisciplinary approach;
  • know a few common techniques of instrumentation.