Florent Fessler (graduated 2022)

Florent Fessler (PhD ICS, Strasbourg)

The PhyQS master’s track was for me decisive as it allowed to operate a smooth transition from academic education to research in a lab. After a bachelor degree covering a very broad spectrum of modern physics, the PhyQS master allowed, especially during the second year, to adjust my path (thanks to elective courses) to my personal affinities while having a robust and sophisticated general baggage deepened in the common lectures. Proximity with the physics research in Strasbourg allows a connection between the content of the lectures and current research problematics. The stage is therefore set for students to meet and interact with people whose research topic spark their interest and it was natural for me to pursue with a PhD thesis in a Soft Matter lab (Physics of Membranes and Soft Matter, Institut Charles Sadron) during which I highly rely on tools and knowledge acquired during my master’s years.

The very pleasant atmosphere in the beautiful and lively city of Strasbourg also contributes to the overall experience which makes me warmly recommend the PhyQS master to any curious physics student that would like to acquire quality and in-depth physics knowledge without renouncing to versatility!
